The Good Practice Guidelines – Relaunched by ASERA

Keeping our Spectacular Severn Special
The Association of Severn Estuary Relevant Authorities have re-launched the Good Practice Guidelines, with updated guidance on flying drones within the Severn Estuary area.
The re-release focuses on the new legislation surrounding the use of drones and their licensing. The update states that all fliers must carry their documents of ownership, and mark their drone with the operator ID. In addition, the Good Practice Guidelines outline Estuary-specific guidance on staying safe and minimising impact to the site, such as avoiding disturbance to resting, feeding, and nesting birds and sensitive habitats like saltmarsh and Sabellaria alveolata (honeycomb tubeworm) reefs.
Working together, we can reduce disturbance to the habitats and species of the Severn Estuary that keep our site special.
The purpose of these guidelines is to encourage the sustainable use of the estuary and its coastline providing an enhanced and safer environment for recreational users and visitors to enjoy. Individuals and clubs are encourage to respect, support and promote these guidelines. They cover a range of activities, illustrated below.
Please help to keep our coastline looking clean, beautiful and full of wildlife. If you would like more information on how you can get involved, please contact the ASERA Officer, Katie Havard-Smith at
The Guidelines have been produced by ASERA to act as a voluntary management action supported by the Management Scheme to help reduce disturbance to our most valuable habitats and species. They have been developed in partnership with representatives from various sectors and have followed best practice from other European Marine Sites around the UK.