Relevant Authority Action Plans – What Are They?
Action Plans provide the mechanism for Relevant Authorities to address the following:
- Activities identified as likely to be causing deterioration or significant disturbance to the site;
- Activities of which the effects are unknown (i.e. there is insufficient evidence available at present to determine the level of deterioration or disturbance to the site); and
- Specific plans and projects of an ongoing and repetitive nature for which ASERA may facilitate the production of guidance notes.
Individual Action Plans have been produced for each specific Relevant Authority in order to manage their activities in a way that helps to achieve the nature conservation objectives for the site. Actions fall into two categories:
- Actions to be undertaken by Relevant Authorities or centrally by ASERA
- Other actions required to be undertaken by members of ASERA in their “Competent Authority” role, with regard to the consideration of plans/project.
Click here to view the 2018-2023 Management Scheme. Click here to view the 2018-2023 Relevant Authority Action Plans.

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